29 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Industry Potential in Republic of Moldova

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    This article identifies several competitive sectors of the economy that have potential to lead to sustainable economic growth for Republic of Moldova. Sectors were chosen for analysis combining quantitative and qualitative methods. A pool of sectors was selected based on export and sales performance over the last eight years. The final decision of the top sectors was based on the qualitative factors such as prevalence of the SMEs in the sector, gender makeup of the workforce and the regional presence, as well as employment levels and sales growth. The results of analysis showed that following industrial sectors: wine; textiles and apparel; information and communication technology; footwear; construction materials and furniture have the most potential for contributing to transformational growth in the Republic of Moldova economy.strategic sector, competitiveness, industry sector, industry potential

    Meat Product Reformulation: Nutritional Benefits and Effects on Human Health

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    This chapter aims to present the current state of the art in the field of meat product reformulation with respect to issues concerning the nutritional improvement and overall health benefits of such products. Our research team has recently finalised a national research project concerning this topic, and we feel that other food scientists could benefit from the theoretical and practical knowledge gathered during this time. The chapter will be divided into four subchapters. The first subsection will present the main targets of meat reformulation, such as lipid or protein profile modification, the use of bioactive compounds as additives, etc. The second subsection will discuss the bioavailability and bioaccessibility of carotenoids, phenolic compounds and other bioactive compounds, presenting these parameters from a nutraceutical perspective. The last subsections will include reported consumer attitudes. In this work, we will present data that could aid scientists in the field of food science to better grasp notions concerning consumer benefit, such as bioavailability, not only of a specific bioactive compound but also as part of a complex food matrix


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    Atrezia infundibulară sau valvulară pulmonară apare la 15-25% dintre cazurile de tetralogie Fallot, se manifestă clinic din perioada neonatală, fi ind inclusă în cardiopatiile congenitale critice ductodependente, impunând perfuzie endovenoasă cu prostaglandine E1 şi tratament chirurgical precoce. Tetralogia Fallot poate asocia mai multe variante anatomice, unele cu prognostic nefavorabil în primul an de viaţă, în cazul în care intervenţia chirurgicală cardiovasculară nu este efectuată în timp util, cel mai frecvent în perioada neonatală. Este prezentat un caz clinic de tetralogie Fallot şi atrezie de valvă pulmonară (VP), diagnosticat în perioada neonatală, când a prezentat cianoză severă şi care a avut o evoluţie spre deces în primele 6 luni de viaţă. Examenul anatomopatologic a evidenţiat asocieri malformative: hipoplazie renală stângă, cu megaureter şi hidrocalicoză stângă, fără infecţie de tract urinar


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    Gaucher disease is the most common lysosomal storage disorder, with autosomal recessive transmission. The disease is due to glucocerebrosidase enzyme defi ciency, resulting in accumulation of glucocerebroside in all organs. The diagnosis is established by measuring enzyme activity. Among the clinical forms, type 2 is the rarest and has the most dismal prognosis. We present the case of an infant found at 5 months of age with neurological symptoms and his subsequent evolution with massive hepatosplenomegaly, being diagnosed with type 2 Gaucher disease


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    Boala Gaucher este cea mai frecventă maladie lizozomală, cu transmitere autosomal recesivă. Boala se datorează defi citului enzimei glucocerebrozidază, rezultând în acumularea de glucocerebrozide în toate organele. Diagnosticul se stabileşte prin măsurarea activităţii enzimei. Dintre formele clinice, tipul 2 este cel mai rar şi are prognosticul cel mai sumbru. Prezentăm cazul unui sugar depistat la vârsta de 5 luni cu simptome neurologice şi evoluţia lui ulterioară cu hepatosplenomegalie masivă, fi ind diagnosticat cu tipul 2 de boală Gaucher


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    Sodium chloride is an indispensable constituent of white brined cheeses. It is involved in flavor and hardness improving, water activity and bitterness reducing, controls the enzymatic activity and bacterial growth and contributes to cheese preservation. Several studies have shown the negative impact of high sodium chloride content from processed cheeses on the consumers health. The most common additive used to decrease the levels of sodium chloride without affecting the cheese quality is potassium chloride.The effectof total or partial substitution of sodium chloride by potassium chloride on the characteristics of Telemea cheese was evaluated. Proximate composition, sensory evaluation and texture profile were analyzed during ripening at 4°C for 28 days. Telemea cheese was salted using 4 brine solutions (20%, wt/wt) with different concentrations made from different NaCl/KCl combinations as follows: (NaCl (A), KCl (B), 1NaCl:1KCl (C) and 1NaCl:2KCl(D)). The obtained results indicate that potassium chloride is a viable alternative to total or partial replacement of the sodium chloride in Telemea cheese


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    Ohmic heating takes its name from Ohm’s law. Ohmic heating is an alternative heating technique, using an electrical current passing through the food product. The food material switched between electrodes has a role of resistance in the circuit. In this study the pear puree made at laboratory scale had been undergone to the ohmic heating process using different voltage gradients (15/17/17.5/20V/cm) and different processing time intervals (0/3/5/10 min). It were measured the electrical conductivity, the temperature, electric current intensity, pear puree viscosity in order to determine the ohmic heating influence over some process and sample properties. After the purpose of study was reached that was found the proportional link between the temperature and electric conductivity increase, which also depends on the processing time. The bubbling temperature was established above the 60°C value for all the voltage gradients


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    Ohmic heating takes its name from Ohm’s law. Ohmic heating is an alternative heating technique, using an electrical current passing through the food product. The food material switched between electrodes has a role of resistance in the circuit. In this study the pear puree made at laboratory scale had been undergone to the ohmic heating process using different voltage gradients (15/17/17.5/20V/cm) and different processing time intervals (0/3/5/10 min). It were measured the electrical conductivity, the temperature, electric current intensity, pear puree viscosity in order to determine the ohmic heating influence over some process and sample properties. After the purpose of study was reached that was found the proportional link between the temperature and electric conductivity increase, which also depends on the processing time. The bubbling temperature was established above the 60°C value for all the voltage gradients

    The influence of the rocker sale profile's orientation on the sagittal plane ankle range of motion

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    4th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering (EHB) -- NOV 21-23, 2013 -- Iasi, ROMANIAWOS: 000346672900166Rocker shoes are prescribed in any pathomechanical condition where the normal motions of the foot's joints are limited, as it is the case with hallux Iimitus/rigidus or ankle immobilisation. Walking is achieved through facilitating the movement around the three pivoting centres: heel, ankle and metatarsophalangeal joints. One important technical parameter of the rocker sole profiles is represented by the position of the distal and proximal borders of the contact area between sole and supporting surface. The design of rocker soles profiles based on the concept of invariability of the roll-over shape of the ankle-foot system during walking implies that the sole's sagittal plane profile will have a circular shape, with identical distal and proximal borders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the orientation of rocker sole profile on the ankle's sagittal plane range of motion.IEEE, IEEE EMB Romania Chapter, Romanian Acad Iasi Branch, Inst Comp Sc